Children undertake Statutory Assessment Tests, widely known as SATs at the end of Key Stage 2 which take place in May when they are in Year 6, their last year in primary school. These assessments, give you a picture of how your child is performing against the age related expectations for their year group.. These are a series of tests in Reading, Grammar and Mathematics. Writing is teacher assessed and a portfolio is built up across the year and continued until the end of June.
To enable your child to feel as prepared as possible for these as well as embarking on their secondary schools, we provide a range of support during this year:
- 3 experienced teachers for Maths and English lessons, providing personalised lessons and smaller class sizes
- Interventions to help children reach their potential
- Revision books in keeping with the new curriculum to be completed both in school and at home
- SATs afterschool clubs commencing from March onwards
We also offer a SATs information evening for parents and children in January so that you are fully engaged with this important year.
SATs week 9th to 12th May 2022 (it is imperative that your child is in school in the May and June months to prepare them fully for their SATs week and also continue their writing portfolios)