The intent of our curriculum is that it should fulfill our school aim ‘learning and growing together with Jesus Christ’’. We encourage children to be active participants in their learning journey and to recognise the resilience needed to become a successful life -long learner.
We aim to ‘provide high quality teaching and learning that promotes outstanding achievement’ through ‘an innovative and inspiring curriculum which encourages each child to reach their full potential’
We are developing a curriculum in which skills and content are planned and sequenced into a coherent structure, incrementally building on prior learning. We are ambitious for all our pupils and strive to adapt, design and develop the curriculum to suit their individual needs including those with special educational needs, disabilities or other barriers to successful learning.
We aim for a curriculum that is broad and balanced for all of our pupils, with a strength in the arts. The study of Religious Education is a core subject at our school and at the heart of our curriculum are our twelve Christian Values, which underpin not only our collective worship and school ethos but our curriculum too.
We place an emphasis on ensuring that children are confident in reading, speaking, listening and performance, as we believe that this gives them the confidence and skills to be successful learners now and in their future.