REQM Gold Award

We aim to provide an exciting, rich, relevant and challenging Computing curriculum for all pupils using the Purple Mash scheme of work as a basis for wider exploration of technology and its connections to other curriculum areas, including Maths, Science and History. This supports children in becoming confident, competent and critical users of technology by giving them the skills, strategies and knowledge to excel in an increasingly digital world whilst having ‘a sense of the history, the bigger story timeline of what they are learning.’1 Teachers embed computing across the curriculum to support and enhance the children’s wider curriculum work, applying their computing skills, developing their research skills and evolving their understanding of E-safety'.

Mary Myatt, The Curriculum: Gallimaufry to Coherence 2018

Our School Aims

To understand that each child is unique- a gift from God.
To provide a caring, compassionate and inclusive community, our ‘school family’, where everyone is valued and safe.
To celebrate our Christian values and share faith, love and forgiveness as seen in Jesus Christ.
To provide high quality teaching and learning that promotes outstanding achievement.
To provide an innovative and inspiring curriculum which encourages each child to reach their full potential.
To promote excellence through collaborative work with our families, the Church and wider community.

Contact Us

All Saints CofE VA Primary School
Boughton Green Road
Tel: 01604 715658