REQM Gold Award

As part of our safeguarding duties, we also take E-Safety seriously. Our Designated Safeguarding Leads (DSL) are trained in e-safety issues and are aware of the potential for serious child protection / safeguarding issues that may arise from: 

  • sharing of personal data 

  • access to illegal / inappropriate materials 

  • inappropriate on-line contact with adults / strangers 

  • potential or actual incidents of grooming 

  • cyber-bullying 

  • radicalisation 

Staff, including Governors, also receive annual training. Children are taught about E-Safety as part of the curriculum and take part in activities for the annual ‘Safer Internet Day’. As well as providing parents with regular updates on E-Safety matters via ParentMail, parents are invited and encouraged to attend an E-Safety awareness session annually.

Please refer to our Safeguarding and E-Safety policies in the sidebar for further guidance.

Safeguarding Support

Our School Aims

To understand that each child is unique- a gift from God.
To provide a caring, compassionate and inclusive community, our ‘school family’, where everyone is valued and safe.
To celebrate our Christian values and share faith, love and forgiveness as seen in Jesus Christ.
To provide high quality teaching and learning that promotes outstanding achievement.
To provide an innovative and inspiring curriculum which encourages each child to reach their full potential.
To promote excellence through collaborative work with our families, the Church and wider community.

Contact Us

All Saints CofE VA Primary School
Boughton Green Road
Tel: 01604 715658